Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
Besides the rain we received the day we unloaded in Alva, the weather has been cooperating with us nicely. We have about 300 acres left to finish up this job and we will be heading to Waynoka, Oklahoma, which is just 20 miles away so an easy move in the grand scheme of things.
Our crew is split up right now so we are a hand short. So, I have been in the field running a combine. I have thoroughly enjoyed the time in the field with my family. Harvest is a stressful time of year, but I’d say this year has started off very well in that category (minus the two hours that our dog Zoe was missing). Colston, our 9-year-old, drives our tractor and grain cart and little brother, Riggin, (who is 5) has been tagging along! We have gotten quite a few laughs over things they have done the past few days.
One evening, the tractor was stopped so I got on the two-way radio to ask if everything was okay. Riggin replied, “Yes, brother is out catching a turtle”!! As the tractor started moving again, I asked Colston if he caught it? He said, “No, it looked like a snapping turtle and I like my fingers”! My mom came for a weekend visit and she was in the combine with me and we got quite a good laugh over that. Then the boys had some questions and stories about turtles, all this happening over the two-way! Our two-way sometimes picks up other crews so I can imagine we gave a few others quite a laugh that night too…if they heard us.
The following afternoon, the boys found two baby frogs, which they named Snake and Sparkle! They played with them until it was time to head home, then they were released back into the field. Like I said before, harvest is stressful but having these boys with us in the field keeps us entertained and making great memories along the way which I will always cherish. Especially the sweet little voice of Riggin getting on the two-way several times a day to tell me how much he loves me!!
Happy Harvesting everyone!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4 NLT